DIY & Home Decor

I Left my Soul in the Attic; a Home Renovation Story

March 17, 2021

Nothing like having a kid to make you realize how insanely fast time goes. Today I realized that it’s been three years since I left my soul in my attic. This is a home renovation story.

Someday this could be livable space…

In 2014 the housing market was so insane that we literally bought our home sight-unseen. Jeremiah & I didn’t physically step foot into the house until after we signed our lives away. Nuts, I know. Our home had a huge attic and I told Jeremiah, “one day we could convert this to livable space”. He is such a good sport and always goes along with my elaborate ideas, so he said, “sure”. I don’t think he fully understood the level of “serious” I was. He found out…

I’m nothing if not committed

Four years later, in 2018, I followed through on my loony idea. I had the attic renovated. When I say “I had it renovated” what I mean is I developed the entire concept, drew the floor plan and designed it, top to bottom, myself. A major renovation like that is actually a shit-show, so I also project managed the crew. While I am so incredibly proud of it, I really did leave my soul in the attic and for that reason, we will probably never sell this house. It’s the small things like the transom windows that I searched high & low for, and finally found at The Old Home Supply. It’s the custom concrete sink I had made, and the mercury glass walls that I couldn’t live without. It’s just me.

Damn the dust

It was totally worth it, but I definitely I won’t ever do a renovation like that again, at least not on an existing home. I am very thankful we did it when we did though, because it would have been impossible with a kiddo. I’m not kidding when I say I still have nightmares about the dust!

The final reveal